Hello World!

Hi, it's Fathan

Final Year Computer Science @ University of Leeds

01 about me

Fathan Raedaya picture

I am a final year student at the University of Leeds completing a Bachelor's of Science in Computer Science. I am passionate about designing and developing websites and software applications which led to my focus in this area for my final year project.

I am currently deciding on my next steps after graduation whether to pursue a master's degree or look for a graduate role. Whichever path I choose, I am excited to continue learning and broaden my knowledge in the field.

Some technologies I have worked with are: Python, Java, JavaScript, Flask, C. Feel free to visit my GitHub profile to see some of the projects I have worked on.

Outside of my studies, I enjoy watching a lot football, playing video games and travelling.

02 my projects



HTML TailwindCSS JavaScript

A website to practice, improve and test your typing speed. Change the time and difficulty to challenge yourself.


Router - GPX

Python Flask JavaScript SQLite

A web application to save and view you and your friend's routes all over the world (offline).


Budget Tracker

Python Flask SQLite

An app to track your income and expenses with goal setting and real-time budget calculations.

Designed and built by Fathan Raedaya © 2024